Thursday 19 May 2011

Whitsundays wonderland

Emma diving to the fish
Where do I start? We have been having a fantastic week enjoying the Whitsundays, the girls wanted to stay forever. I would have to say that the highlight of our trip was our visit to The Great Barrier Reef - Emma's ultimate destination. Emma had a ball snorkelling amongst the fish, she was in the water for nearly 2 hours exploring. She was really excited when she actually got to touch a fish. We travelled with and they were fantastic, the weather was perfect and we all really enjoyed our day. We were up early to catch the bus to the marina at 7.10am. The girls were so excited and when they saw the size of the boat we were going on their eyes just lit up. Kate was very impressed to see that they served biscuits and milo as we boarded the boat. First stop was Daydream Island and spotting the 3 mermaids was just like a dream come true. Apparently the real story is that captain Cook thought he heard voices when he was passing by Daydream Island and thought they were mermaids.

Waving goodbye to the mermaids on Daydream Island

Once we were out at Knuckle reef we went on the glass bottom boat, snorkeled, went on the waterslide, had a scrumptious lunch, another snorkel and slide and finished off with  a ride in the sub-marine.

The Smidts take charge of the boat

 Kate was over excited when we went out in the glass bottom boat, she went crazy with taking loads of photos of the coral and as you can see she got some great photos of the coral.
Our visit to the Great Barrier Reef is going to be one amazing experience we will all remember. Even though Darrin and I have been to the Reef before, experiencing it through the excitiment of the girls has made it even more unique. Well worth the visit.
 We stayed at the Adventure Whitsunday Holiday Park which was fantastic for kicking back and having fun; they have a great pool with slides, mini golf was fun, we even had a few hits of tennis and the outdoor movies were a hit. We caught up with our friends who we met in 1997 when we first visited Airlie, they cooked us a delicious roast lunch. Our neighbours for the week were a lovely family visiting from Oxford in the UK, they have been travelling for 3 months. Kate and Zoe formed a nice little friendship and we hope to keep in touch.
Kate amazed at the coral

Kates photography

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys,
    We are enjoying your blog - great pictures and great descriptions. We have been enjoying frosty mornings and lovely sunny days. We are following you on the map for the boys.
    bye from the McMullens & 'wee' Jasper the puppy!
