Thursday 25 August 2011

Victoria River

Victoria River Bridge
As we got closer to Victoria River travelling along the Victoria Highway towards Western Australia the scenery started to change. All of a sudden the gorgeous ranges start to appear. Crossing the Victoria River bridge we could not go past the opportunity to take some photos of the Victoria River and ranges.

We drove a little further on to the Old Victoria River Crossing. We spent a bit of time here splashing in the shallows of the water and it was just so beautiful we decided to camp here the night.

Our camp at Old Victoria River crossing
 We found a nice sandy spot to set up camp by the water. We enjoyed a relaxing time around here and the girls had a ball playing in the sand. The next morning Darrin and I were up early to watch the colours changing on the ranges as the sun was rising. We sat around the fire drinking our coffee and watching the magnificant birdlife.  There was a Jabiru standing in the crossing just waiting to catch a fish for breakfast. He was there for ages but we did not see him get a fish.

Jabiru looking for breakfast

Views from our camp
We continued along the Victoria Highway which followed the river along. Just west of Timber creek we turned up the Policemans point lookout road and found more spectacular views of the Victoria River. We found the tide was rushing in and great to watch. Knowing that it would be a good spot to watch the sunset we had to set up camp for the night.

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